"Facebook me." Who, especially my age (30's) hasn't said or heard those words? We've lived our adult lives on social media. We are friends with those we went to high school and college with, co-workers, our siblings, cousins, parents, and even grandparents. Some of us post pictures and status updates every day, some, not at all. But we are connected in a way we have never been before. Cool, huh?

Not always. I'm more than opinionated. I'm passionate. I'm impulsive. I cuss like a sailor and pray like a saint. I've offended more than my fair share of strangers, friends, and family members alike. I don't just limit my ability to piss people off to facebook, either! Oh no! I span multi social media platforms to do that. πŸ˜‰In all seriousness, I don't (always) mean to offend people with what I post. I believe in equality, love, fairness, and being a good person. I believe that we have a duty to help whoever and whenever we can. I also believe that in doing so, we shouldn't compromise our morals or ourselves. I believe that evil exists and that bad people do, too. I believe that by being silent, we are being complacent in another's actions or inaction's. I choose to not be silent. That sometimes offends people. Especially those I disagree with.

Did you know that facebook was created by Mark Zuckerburg as sort of a "hot or not?" face mash site of Harvard students? Then it went to a who's who around campus. It spread to include other ivy league colleges, and soon after, all colleges. A virtual yearbook for college students. Awesome. And then it opened up to the general population, 13 and above with a valid email. Nice! Now you can connect with a whole bunch of people your age. Except mom and dad joined. And then your aunts and uncles. Pretty soon, Grandma found it was a great way to see pictures of everyone. Then you got married and your in-laws friended you. Shit.

Someone then got the brilliant idea for messenger. Because who can convey sarcasm, humor, anger, and sadness better than txt speech bubbles and emojis? 😀⇠("face with a look of triumph" I thought it was angry and blowing steam out of it's nose like a bull. See?) Don't even get me started on the poop emoji some thought was ice cream or the clapping hands/high five people used to signify praying? Yep, that could be bad. "Sorry your dad died. Praying for you.

So what better place to have a conversation about family matters than facebook messenger? AmIright? We all know that's a shit storm waiting to happen. Especially, if one of those people is an old, narcissistic hag who is great at manipulation and far exceeds the age facebook was made for in the first place. I bring this up, not because I think only people of a certain age should be on social media. Nope. There are some great people, who are older, wiser, and hilarious. But because some people, of all ages, have embrace social media as the only way of communicating. They don't realize that 1) sometimes it does matter how you say it. 2) Sometimes, it doesn't. Being rude, hypocritical, and generally a mean person comes across in both written and spoken word. And 3) If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. While the 3rd doesn't always apply, it usually does if no one is going to come to harm from you not saying something or if you are a mother-in-law.

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My life- as a wife, mother, sister, caregiver, daughter, career woman- uncensored.


Liberal Catholic. Working mom. Chronic pain warrior. Opinionated introvert. I speak fluent sarcasm. I'm married with two kids- a girl and a boy. My son was born with Spina bifida, hydrocephalus, Arnold Chiari malformation, and bilateral club feet. I may blog about food, politics, religion, medical updates, or our life in general.

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